Hi All
As most of you will now know, I have taken the decision that following this year’s AGM I would no longer stand for Chairman of Sheffield DA.
I was elected from the floor to the role of Chairman of Sheffield DA back in the last millennium, 1999. It was a role that I have greatly enjoyed holding, and being part of this great and historic DA. But now after nearly 22 years, it’s the time for a new face to take on the role of Chairman and I wish Rob Lees all the best in taking on the baton on leading this great DA as your new chairman of Sheffield DA.

I would like to thank all those that have served on the committee with me over this time, your energy and enthusiasm has been very much appreciated, even when I have said “I have an idea” your support has been unflinching. I would also like to thank all our members for the support and commitment that you have given to both the committee and the DA throughout these years, and I know this will continue for many years to come.
From when I took on the role of Chairman back in 1999, there are still seven members from then that are still on the committee today, and to look back even further, from the time when I joined the committee back in in 1992/3, there is only Trisha and myself that have had a continuous time on the committee. This shows that the DA over time as a natural evolution and I wish you all a great success, especially your new Chairman Rob, in its next evolution in moving the DA forward into the future, and whatever this may bring.
That said, you have not yet got rid of me, as I will still be serving another year on the committee, and I hope to see you all camping again in the near future.
So on behalf of Cathie and myself, thank you all